13 September 2010

TDB collaboration REVENGEskatecore.

in collaboration.

pict. for REVENGEskatecore.

tried to seek his fortune, in collaboration T.D.B with REVENGEskatecore. merchandise for the first time giving birth in the form of tees with the aim to enliven the skatewear.REVENGEskatecore recruiting Fardan Aufan A.B a.k.a Danu BHS (local skater) to be the person who will always get a free t-shirts every REVENGEskatcore reproduce, who aim to promote it (hopefully he can, hahaha...).enjoy and dont forget to buy it.RESPECT.
mencoba mencari peruntungan, TDB berkolaborasi dengan REVENGEskatecore.
pertama kalinya melahirkan merchandisenya berupa tees dengan bertujuan meramaikan dunia fasion perskatean.
REVENGEskatecore merekrut
Fardan Aufan A.B a.k.a Danu BHS (lokal skater) untuk menjadi orang yang akan selalu mendapatkan kaos gratis setiap  REVENGEskatcore bereproduksi, yg bertujuan untuk mempromosikannya ( semoga saja bisa, hahaha )
selamat menikmati dan jangan lupa membeli.RESPECT.